Home Selling Real Estate

Home Selling Essentials

There are a lot of things to do in order to ensure we get our homes sold fast and at the right price. Fortunately, most of them take little effort and many don’t cost anything. While this list isn’t all inclusive, it should give you a great start.

Young couple working on a laptop
It’s important to prepare before selling.


It’s important to make your house as neutral as possible. A fresh coat of paint will make your home appear larger, brighter and more appealing to potential buyers.


Your furniture placement should allow for easy traffic flow and clearly show the purpose of each room. If you have too much furniture, which many of us are guilty of, rent a storage unit to contain it until you are ready to move. If you don’t have enough furniture, we recommend renting it to stage the home properly.

Improve the Curb Appeal

Pull weeds, rake leaves and trim overgrown shrubs, especially if they block windows or the path to your front door. Also, add some plants with color to brighten up the first impressions that buyers will have.

Make it Spotless

Clean your house thoroughly, and don’t forget to make sure that your windows and floors sparkle. If your carpet appears old and stained, consider replacing it. Also, make sure there are no offensive odors by getting an honest opinion of a friend or your realtor. Purchase an air purifying spray that will help remove odors without creating an overwhelming masking odor.

Fix it

Fix things like leaky faucets and sticky cabinets. Also, replace any screens with tears or rips. They may seem insignificant, but minor repairs add up in the mind of a potential buyer. They tend to overestimate how much repairs cost. The idea here is to take away any reason for the buyer to not put in an offer.

Pack it Up

Put away personal photos and portraits and remember that less is always more. The less clutter and knickknacks you have lying around, the more potential buyers will be able to see your home and what it offers. Remember, you are selling your house, not your stuff.

Lighten Up

Let the sun shine in and turn on the lights. Open all blinds or curtains, and make sure the house is well lit.

Keep it Show Ready

Until you accept an offer, keep your home in tip-top shape at all times. Each room should be clean and clutter-free. Buyers need to be able to picture themselves and their things in a room. Taking these steps will help ensure just that.

There is obviously more to do, and we can help you with any of it. However, this is a great way to get started.