Hello there! As we prepare for the coming weeks of being home with our families, a lot of us are asking ourselves the same question: “How am I going to keep my children entertained without leaving the house?” This is without a doubt a daunting task. With our twenty-one-year-old recently rejoining us and our twelve-year-old in our home, finding activities the whole family can enjoy is tough. Luckily, they are independent and enjoy their “personal” time.
I can only imagine the stress I would be enduring had this of happened ten years ago! After consulting the experts (aka my children and friends with little ones), I’ve compiled a list of things to do to keep your family from going stir crazy while we hunker down and quarantine.
- Make sure to spend time outside. We are so lucky to live in the sunshine state. Doctors and psychologists both concur that heliotherapy, that is spending time in the sun, improves overall mood and wellbeing. While we may not be able to really leave our homes, sitting in the grass or tanning by a pool can make us feel like we aren’t trapped. My older daughter has spent one to two hours every day by the pool and swears it is the thing that is keeping her sane.
- Cook meals together. I promise you, there is a task for every age in the act. You can have your five-year-old stirring the pot (with your supervision of course) while your teen chops veggies. Cooking together as a family brings unity while making everyone feel like they are accomplishing something. With this, it is so important to make sure we are eating healthy during these weeks. Make sure you are packing in fruits and veggies where you can to make sure your body feels good, even though you may not be getting as much exercise as usual from running errands or going to work.
- Board games. Card games. Remember those? Before iPads and smart phones, we used to pass the time this way. I am sure on a dusty shelf in the back of a closet, there are a few games you have forgot about that you can whip out. It will feel nostalgic, and both my children really enjoyed this time together as a family.
- Start a series together. That Netflix show you haven’t had time for? Well you do now. If you have younger kids at home, I recommend starting a series with just your significant other as well so you aren’t only watching Peppa Pig. This is something so simple that will pass the time, and it is something the family can do together with typically no complaints.
- Have alone time. I know, this is a list of things to do with your family, but this is important to ensure you don’t go crazy in the midst of trying to keep everyone entertained. If you are lucky enough to be home with a spouse or significant other, give each other an hour alone in the room a day while the other manages the house. Even if it is just to nap, you need it.
I wish you all the best during these next few weeks. Remember, even though it may not always feel like it, this time is a blessing. We are able to reset ourselves and self-reflect like never before. We are gifted time with our loved ones to bond and connect. I know I feel thankful to have my college student home. Thank you for reading, be safe, and wash your hands!