As we continue to spend much more time in our homes than we would have ever expected, its easy to feel uninspired. Occupying the same space all the time can be a challenge. However, there are some simple and inexpensive ways to give your home a fresh look. Here are a few ideas.
Time for a Color Change
Painting is one of the cheapest and easiest ways to immediately change the feel of any home. For a classic look, opt for cool neutrals; if you prefer something more dramatic, consider adding color to a feature wall. If you are not ready to commit to paint, try some accessories like throw pillows, an area rug, or artwork to bring color into your home.
Simplify and Declutter
As many of us find ourselves living and working with more family members, our homes are feeling smaller than ever. Research has found that clearing clutter can lower your stress levels. Start with a small room that will create a quick win for you and move on from there. Removing more items rather than less is a good way to start. You can always bring items back if needed, but if you do not remove enough to start you will not likely feel the difference.
Scents Matter
Scent is a powerful vehicle for uplifting your mood. There are many ways to infuse a room with scent — candles, oil diffusers, air mists and fresh flowers, to name a few. For a more subtle effect, crack open a window to balance out your chosen fragrance with fresh air. Of course, cracking open windows in Florida at this time of year can be a challenge.
Think Green
While you are staying indoors, there is no better time to bring some of the outside world in. Not only do plants bring light and color, they also add oxygen to your home. That something that many of us could use more of as we are confined indoors. Regardless of the type of plants you choose, the simple routine of maintaining it can be therapeutic.
Brighten Your Day
As your home is now your office, you have more control than ever over the light conditions of your workday. To maximize your exposure to natural light, position your desk near a window and keep drapes and shades open during the daytime. If you do not have access to much natural light, you can add reflective surfaces to enhance the light in dark rooms.
While it is important for us to stay safe during this Pandemic, it is also important to keep our spirits up. If your home environment is working against you, try one or more of the above to clear your path to continued happiness. Take care everyone.