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Spring Cleaning Tips

Last Friday, March 20th, marked the official first day of Spring, and we all know what that means…. Spring Cleaning! While my daughters might groan at the thought of this, I absolutely love this time of year. Of course, we live in Florida, so it might feel like it has been spring for quite some time, but it does not make the season feel any less wonderful. Spring brings buds of new life, so why not revitalize your home as well? Here are 3 tips to have a successful spring cleaning.


It can be easy to get ambitious when it comes to Spring Cleaning, but this can lead to unachievable goals and disappointment. We cannot do it all and expecting ourselves to do so will only cause us to inevitably give up. Make a list of everything you would like to accomplish, and then take that list and organize it from most to least important. Start with the most important and give yourself some slack if the little things don’t get entirely done.

Break your home into zones

The last thing you want to do is have projects going on all over the house. It will make you, and your house, feel chaotic. You can break it down a few different ways, for example having all the bathrooms be one zone or grouping smaller rooms next to each other together. This will help your mind stay organized as you undergo the sometimes-daunting task of Spring Cleaning, which will help keep you on track.

Reward yourself

This might sound silly, but giving rewards is for more than just your kids or pets. It is important to reward yourself to keep motivated, and it does not have to be anything big. A glass of wine, a scoop of ice cream, or even ordering in from your favorite restaurant are excellent ways to congratulate yourself on a job well done. This tip should also extend to other members of the family you want to have help you with the cleaning. I can usually get my daughters to do just about anything if I tell them a shopping trip will be their reward.