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Tips for Staging Your Home

Every realtor has seen it – a home that has so much potential but is not getting any offers because it is just poorly staged. It is a lot more common than you think. Staging your home to be more desirable to potential buyers is one of, if not the, most important things in the selling process. Here are some simple tips to beautifully stage your home cut down the time it is on the market.

Clean, then go back and clean again

This seems like a no brainer, but I cannot stress how important deep cleaning your home is. You want the buyer to see your house as their dream home. One factor you might not have thought about is smell. Studies have proven that scent actually alters our perspective and has the ability to make something seem more or less attractive. So deep clean like you have never cleaned before and light some candles.

Depersonalize the space

You want the potential buyer to be able to picture themselves living in the house and making it their very own home. This is a lot harder to do with pictures of your family on every side table and your kid’s math test hanging on the fridge. Take down personal photos, items on the fridge, and anything else that makes the house uniquely yours.


Essentially, your goal is to make the place feel bigger than it actually is. This can be accomplished in a few different ways, but the most important thing by far is to declutter. Less really is more here. You want your home to feel more open and spacious. Along with this, decluttering also helps the potential buyer better be able to think of themselves adding in their own little touches to the place.