Real Estate

Happy Father’s Day!

Home Buying Real Estate

Three Ways to Save Money After a Move

We all know that moving is expensive. Like – really, REALLY expensive. You are not just paying for a new home. There is the cost of packing, physically moving all your stuff, an interim storage unit, probably some new furniture, etc. Frankly, there are so many additional costs, it could make your head hurt.

Home Decor Home Decor Real Estate

Turning a Bedroom into a Luxury Bedroom

For most of us, our bedroom is little more than a place to sleep and relax. However, just because it has always been that way does not mean that we must settle for drab and dreary.

Home Buying Real Estate

Winning Tips for Buyers

Real Estate

Honoring our nation’s heroes on Memorial Day

“Without memory, there is no culture. Without memory, there would be no civilization, no society, no future.” – Elie Wiesel