The visual advantages of drone videos have impacted the way that homes are presented throughout the internet. Prospective home buyers often shop online first, so they expect high-quality photography and video in the online listing or they often won’t consider the home.
Tag: realtor
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
5 Don’ts of Home Buying
Whether you are buying your first home or your last home, there are several things you will do right and some things that you may get wrong. One of our jobs is to help minimize the things that you may get wrong. Here are some tips for making sure the next home you buy is a sound investment for you and your family.
Where Do You Spoil Your Dog?
Home is where the heart is. In our home, our hearts extend to our dog, Licia. Licia is a four-year old Vizsla that definitely enjoys being entertained throughout our community. Here are a few of her favorite places to go.
Home ownership and home maintenance are joined at the hip, so I am sure you are aware that there’s plenty of work you should be doing. Sorry to lengthen your list, but I thought you should know that there are a few more things that should be on it. Here are some important, but lesser known maintenance activities to save you money and reduce your exposure to mold & bacteria.